From Inca to our time – accounting and control are the basis for an effective management

Quipu, an ancient mnemonic and counting system used by the Incas and their predecessors in the Andes, consists of a complex arrangement of ropes and knots.

It marked the first use of double-entry bookkeeping in human history. The Spanish chronicler José de Acosta noted that "the entire Inca empire was ruled through quipus," illustrating the system's extensive use in governance and record-keeping, with calculations recorded through intricate knots.


QUIPU Consulting LLC offers outsourced accounting and business advisory services.


What we offer for your business.

Outsourced accounting services

  • Financial and tax book-keeping according to Armenian legislation requirements;

  • Drafting of invoices, payment orders and other accounting basic documents;

  • Payroll services;

  • Preparation and submission to Tax Inspectorate and other state authorities of the required tax, financial, social and statistical reports;

  • Attendance and interfacing with the tax and other audits;

  • Management accounting & reporting.

Consulting services

  • Tax consulting;

  • Setup and/or review of the accounting system, for compliance of it with existing standards and internal control purposes;

  • Current supervision of financial-economic activities;

  • Financial and tax due diligence.

Staffing services

  • Recruitment and provision of the requested workforce exclusively for work within the framework of the Client’s projects and under the latter’s direction;

  • Payroll and provision of travel and other direct expenses of hired personnel;

  • Other office work.


Our clients act in the following fields of Armenian economy.

  • Mining & Production

  • Construction

  • Information Technologies

  • Agriculture

  • Trade and Commerce


Let’s get in touch.